JoLo World Vlog week 24-28: Central America (Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua)

San José  • 

This is a video on our drive through Central America; Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua. Belize has some beautiful Maya remains. Guatemala is an amazing country, and of course there was a stop in Antigua. El Salvador has become a much safer country than some years ago. By then the news of Covid-19 had reached us and we couldn't stay. Honduras was crossed in one day. The borders of Nicaragua - both coming in and going out - are really tedious as you will see! In Nicaragua we had a long drive to an empty beach, a very beautiful place. But it was a bad idea to get stuck there. So with haste we both got to Costa Rica in time, one week before they closed the borders. Just in time! So not much footage, but still an image of how Central America was before the pandemics.